ynndale, Inc. provides people with disabilities and their families with valuable support through person-centered training and community resources, enabling them to determine their future.

Lynndale, Inc.

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Measuring Our Impact

OMS 2022-2023

We want you to see the difference we are making in the lives of adults with disabilities. With your support, we can continue to make great strides in helping special needs adults thrive.

Annual Outcome Measurements

July 2022 — June 2023

Objective Type Objective Who Applied to Target Goal Expectancy Results
Effectiveness Measures
Provide job relevant safety instruction All of OES 95.00% 100%(51 0f 51)
Increase job skills CES Group(hotels) 95.00% 58%(7 of 12)
Efficiency Measures
Increase virtual job shadowing and job exploration opportunities in the community Greenhouse and Workshop 95.00% 100%(39 of 39)
Maintain the number of contracted hotels in order to provide paid work opportunities for persons served CES Group(hotels) 1 1
Increase or maintain satisfaction CES Group(hotels) 100.00% 100% (11 of 11)
Increase or maintain satisfaction OES Greenhouse and Workshop) 95.00% 100%(26 of 26)
Increase or maintain satisfaction Community Employment Services Group 95.00% 100%(11 of 11)
Increase or maintain satisfaction OES Greenhouse and Workshop Families 95.00% 100%(24 of 24)
Increase or maintain satisfaction Discharged Workshop and Greenhouse 95.00% 0 additions
Increase or maintain satisfaction Discharged CES Group 95.00% 100%(3 of 3)
Maintain program entry time to two weeks Organizational Employment -Greenhouse and Workshop 95% 0 additions
Maintain program entry time to two weeks Community Employment Group 95% 100%(3 of3)
Increase number of new classroom activities I the CI program Community Integration 264 296
Maintain the number of group activities offerred on the activity calendar Community Integration 1127 1178
Participant Satisfaction
Increase or maintain satisfaction Community Integration Program Participants 0.95 100% (107/107)
Family Satisfaction
Increase or maintain satisfaction All community Integration families 0.95 100% (104/104)
Discharged Satisfaction
Increase or maintain satisfaction Discharged Community Integration participants 0.95 100%(5 of 5)
Maintain program entry time to two weeks Excel spreadsheet which tracks PA receipt dates, ISP approval date & Lynndale roster additions 0.95 71%(5 of 7)
Maintain employment for at least 12 months CES-Individual 91% 100%(12 OF 12)
Increase job skills OES- Refinishing and Cane & Rush 59% 62%(13 OF 21)
Increase hours worked to at least 60 hours per month CES-Individual 0.9 36%(4 OF 11)
To minimize downtime OES- Refinishing and Cane & Rush 65.00% 71%(17 OF 24)
Maintain program entry time to two weeks Organizational Employment -Furniture Services 0.95 100%(1 of 1)
Maintain program entry time to two weeks Community Employment Individual 0.95 NO ADDITIONS THIS FISCAL YEAR
Participant Satisfaction
Increase or maintain satisfaction Refinishing and Cane & Rush 95% 100%(20 of 20)
Increase or maintain satisfaction CES individual 95% 100%(9 of9)
Family Satisfaction
Increase or maintain satisfaction Family members of Refinishing and Cane & Rush 95% 100%(15 of 15)
Increase or maintain satisfaction Family members of Community Employment Services Participants (Individual) 95% 100%(8 of 8)
Discharged Satisfaction
Increase or maintain satisfaction Individual Placement Discharged Persons 95% 0 discharges
Increase or maintain satisfaction FR/CR Discharged Persons 95% 100%(1 of 1)
Employer Satisfaction (if applicable)
Increase or maintain satisfaction Individual Placement Employers 95% 100%(5 of5)
Increase or maintain satisfaction Customer Satisfaction surveys 95% 100% (34 of 34)
Business Measure
Increase annual furniture refinishing income Lynndale. Inc. $12,719 $17,538
Key Demographics Indicators Actual Percentage
Age Categories
1) Age 18-40 38%
2) Age 41-65 51%
3) Age 66-85 11%
Gender Categories
1) Male 61%
2) Female 39%
Ethnicity Categories
1) Black 49%
2) White 45%
3) Hispanic 1.50%
4) Multi-Racial 3%
5) Chinese 0%
6) Asian 0%
7) Amerasian 1%
8) Indian 0.50%
County of Res Categories
1) Richmond 75%
2) Columbia 25%
Primary Diag Categories
1) Mild MR 37%
2) Moderate MR 44%
3) Severe MR 10%
4) Profound MR 6%
5) No MR Diagnosis 3%